
Saturday, 5 February 2011

Did you catch em all?

Remember back in the day when there were only 151 critters to capture in your balls? (pun intended) Pokemon Red & Blue were the games that started a phenomenon and the series headed off with the slogan "Gotta catch 'em all".

Now if I remember correctly, on my Pokemon Blue version (blue ftw!) I had caught every single Pokemon except the Red version exclusives and I remember desperately trying to find someone with it so I could trade with them. Sadly I never did find anybody because not many people in my area cared for Pokemon that much. :(

Okay, so my question to you is (ignoring all of the new Pokemon) did you catch em all?


  1. I never did :< I can't wait for Black&White to come out though :)

  2. Nope. Never did catch'em all. Made me a sad panda. Then yellow came out... shitstorm ensued.

  3. in the original i did.
    red and blue. and yellow. i had em all.
    - mixtapes

  4. Pokemon!!! i got about 100 back in the day... like a month ago...

  5. I had many friends in my area who played it and during break time outside everyone had their Gameboys playing either Red or Blue version.

  6. I didn't, i miss the old days...

  7. I was never able to catch them all. With each new pokemon game I play I start with the intention that I want to catch every pokemon that I can of that generation, but I always end up failing and losing interest before I can.

  8. I had blue too! I never caught all of them though, just like you, only the Blue exclusives, big thanks to the Missingno glitch ;)

  9. Nope, not even close. How many pokemon are there nowadays?

  10. Everyone but Tauros. Fucking Tauros.

  11. I'm going to try with Black and White, but Red and Blue? Never had the attention span, and I'd be crazy to try it with all 493 Pokemon in 4th gen.

  12. I never caught 'em all :(

  13. i never botehred catching, i was the kind who would have like 10 pokemon and id use 2-3 of them at like lvl 100

  14. Like beyondhiphop, I also caught them all in all 3 of the original versions, also cathching them all in silver and almost all in gold version. I loved pokemon years ago, and understand it's need to "evolve" (my pun intended) to still cater to the masses, but it has just gotten to much for me. I sadly ceased my diligent following a little before emerald version released. Black and White looks like it would be cool, but when the DS came out, I just lost interest. The DS just seemed to corny for me personally. Still, Pokemon beats the he11 out of Yu-Gi-Oh!

  15. Real men complete the Pokedex. So, needless to say, yes, I did catch them all.

  16. If I think of all that time I spent playing those games... good times :)

  17. Damn right I did, I obsessed over that game!

  18. I have my GBC right next to me here, the graphics suck but the gameplay is addictive

  19. I never did. I had to work hard just to get the shit from the professors aide. I always had a good team though.

  20. i prefer blue too, but i only managed to get like 120 :/

  21. I had them all, they were all over lvl. 70. And that was legit. I wonder if I still have those carts somewhere.

  22. I never did get them all. I focused a lot more on beefing up my main team unfortunately.

  23. cant remember the last time i played a pokemon game... and no, i never caught them all. D:

  24. I had every single Pokemon including a legitimate Mew.

    Damn I was a proud young child with my 151 pokemon! Sadly having found my old pokemon yellow last month, I must have deleted the save at one point ;_;

  25. I never caught 'em all. I just beat the elite 4 and called it quits usually. xD

  26. Lol same as fadedline17 here.

  27. My balls contain millions critters

  28. I did in Silver. Got to 455 in Soul Silver.
