
Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Amazing source for high level competitive play!

Hello everyone!

So today, I'm browsing Youtube being bored as usual when I get a message from my friend on there telling me to check out a channel. Now I knew there were Pokemon battles up on Youtube but I didnt think that they would be high level play.

But get this, not only is it extremely competitive Pokemon play, the uploaders also add their own commentary to the battles so you can get an idea of what they're thoughts were at the time and really get a feel for how high level is played in the Pokemon scene.

Here's the first battle they uploaded to the channel.

As you can see they started off using the HG/SS engine as their engine of choice but if you were to check out their latest video...

They're starting to switch up to the new Black/White engine which is real cool in my opinion as you get to watch real pros going at it and integrating the new Pokes into their strategy. If you watch a couple of their videos I guarantee your game will level up tenfold within literally hours.

Okay thats it for now. Cya!


  1. dood, I never really played much pokemanz.
    but watching these vids, you have sparked my interests XD

    awaiting paycheck!!
    purchase power!

  2. Pokemon black/white rocks

    nice blog btw

    I'm following

  3. I always thought pokemon battles were a paper, scissors rocks kind of battle. Those videos showed me otherwise.

  4. I can't wait to play black / white

  5. Wow that is a really great idea. Thanks for posting! following.

  6. Don't know if want....

    I like pokemans.. a lot. Played at least one version of each gen. Love playin with friends too. Just this competitive stuff... I dunno.. IV's and stuff IMO were implemented more so that MY lvl 100 pikachu's stats are different from YOUR lvl100 pikachu even if they have the same moves.

    Smogonfags n such... i dunno..i just dont know... pokemon is a great game series, but to me, once it gets too competitive, its not as fun. >:3

  7. need to get my white copy back, i'll play it again

  8. Cool a Pokemon blog, following you!

  9. Its cool to see some battles with commentary. Thanks for sharing. :D

  10. I'm extremely psyched for Black and White.

    I bought HG/SS for the nolstagia factor, and I ended up falling back in love with pokemon.

    I also love how they're making the franchise more modern, yet keeping the gameplay we know and love the same.

  11. Thanks for sharing, this will help tons!

  12. Its funny, I never realized how much strategy there is to competitive Pokemon battles. My friends and I would just pump our Pokemon full with vitamins and max their levels. Annnd then we'd make them fight.

  13. Wow I was totally playing Pokemon Blue last night because I found it going thru some of my emulators. It's awesome that you have a blog about it. Totally followed and supported!

  14. keep me up to date with this info bro.

    btw i got up to the elite 4 on SS but i just stopped playing. hopefully i can find some time to resume my pokemon journey.

  15. The B/W battle engine looks a lot better, if you ask me.

  16. Pokemon is the one game I refuse to go 'hardcore' with. It's too integrated into my childhood for me to start looking up online the different setups and whatever.

    Though saying that, I did attend a pokemon tournament in London once :D

  17. Nice videos! And I get what you mean Kitari, I don't know a thing about IVs or whatever! I used to just grab a team of my favourite types (usually fire/water/grass/electric/psychic/dragon) and go kick ass.

  18. Damn, this is technical shit :o

  19. I love the normal pokemon games, but never really played it competitively. Have a friend who does so however, and he often tells me about some of the stuff.

  20. When I was a kid and actually played the shit out of pokemon I just mashed buttons. Might have to actually use some tactics and replay some of the games.

  21. Pokemon never seemed so extreme

  22. Damn, those are some intense battles.

  23. pokemon freaks amaze me :D

    followed ;)
